Vilman: Little angel :)
Vilman: "Moss, you say?"
Vilman: Balancing
Vilman: Her majesty Hertta I on her throne
Vilman: Hertta put on a pedestale and not liking it...
Vilman: Deep asleep
Vilman: Relaxing
Vilman: "Knitting is fun and interesting!"
Vilman: "Knitting is boooring...Zzzzzz"
Vilman: Couldn't care less
Vilman: "Pardon me, but is this seat taken?"
Vilman: Place in the sun
Vilman: Sunny doggie
Vilman: Yaaaaaawn!!!
Vilman: Somebody just swallowed a yawn.
Vilman: "Si senor!"
Vilman: Hertta
Vilman: Sniffing a flower
Vilman: Someone has hogged my sweater...
Vilman: Hertta's winter coat
Vilman: Stylish as ever
Vilman: Chic little doxie
Vilman: "You are kidding me with this collar, RIGHT?!"
Vilman: Taste of snow
Vilman: Travel pillow
Vilman: Are we there yet?
Vilman: Me & my piggy stick, chilling
Vilman: Alert and intentive
Vilman: Chilling on the sofa
Vilman: "What's that I hear?"