Vilman: Twisted Flower Socks turned knee-high, WIP
Vilman: Dragon Scarf vol. 2 in progress
Vilman: Mohair bolero
Vilman: Vihervaara in progress
Vilman: Muir WIP
Vilman: Muir's shadow
Vilman: Muir's shadow
Vilman: Astrid WIP
Vilman: Circles of Astrid WIP
Vilman: Astrid WIP closeup
Vilman: Something red and ridiculous
Vilman: AinoVest
Vilman: TYC WIP
Vilman: Yarn basket and TYC in progress
Vilman: UGH yarn!
Vilman: Wisp before blocking
Vilman: White and lacey
Vilman: Luna Moth WIP
Vilman: Yellow and soft
Vilman: Lissajous Socks WIP
Vilman: Pretty and useful
Vilman: Light!
Vilman: Brightness
Vilman: Soft and fuzzy
Vilman: Cabling
Vilman: Almost there...
Vilman: Moss stitch
Vilman: Ribbing
Vilman: Aunt Yellow in progress
Vilman: View through the yarn cone