navelgazer: as claimed elsewhere, I frost a mean cupcake
navelgazer: nita & michelle prep the table
navelgazer: the lovely miz holschuh-simmons, baby modestly unapparent
navelgazer: mister h-s, overseeing assemblage of sheila's berry concoction
navelgazer: peeling hard boiled eggs in honor of the fertility event
navelgazer: the kitchen's always the place to be!
navelgazer: and so to the good stuff...
navelgazer: happy couple laughing, smiling
navelgazer: the crowd attends with rapt absorption
navelgazer: michelle is stunning in a pipe-cleaner creation
navelgazer: books!
navelgazer: and more books!
navelgazer: (always nice to have a pair of friends willing to make jokes about doing "the wild thing")
navelgazer: and yet more books. thank goodness. like this kid's intellect was ever in doubt.