Tristessa20: Baby Butterbean
Tristessa20: Stinky loves the toilet
Tristessa20: Stinky hates the cage
Tristessa20: Me and my Butterbean
Tristessa20: Popsicle Thief
Tristessa20: Popsicle Piglet
Tristessa20: Stinky Full-grown
Tristessa20: Round little piggy
Tristessa20: Fatty and his bear
Tristessa20: Fatty in his hay box
Tristessa20: Fatty loves his greens
Tristessa20: Yum Yum Yum
Tristessa20: Eating his apple core
Tristessa20: Cuddle Time
Tristessa20: Fatty and the mirror
Tristessa20: He loves his chair too
Tristessa20: Best Friends
Tristessa20: Best Friends
Tristessa20: Fatty and Butterbean
Tristessa20: Fatty resting
Tristessa20: Butterbean
Tristessa20: Fatty loves the toilet too
Tristessa20: Another popsicle thief
Tristessa20: Favorite Toy
Tristessa20: Fatty Resting
Tristessa20: Fatty likes Toilet Paper