Deborah Tracy Kral: Wood Duck caught in gull food fight
Deborah Tracy Kral: Pied-billed Grebe
Deborah Tracy Kral: Overachieving Wood Duck
Deborah Tracy Kral: Common Merganser and ducklings
Deborah Tracy Kral: White-winged Scoter
Deborah Tracy Kral: Long-tailed Duck
Deborah Tracy Kral: Tundra Swan
Deborah Tracy Kral: Eurasian (Common) Teal
Deborah Tracy Kral: Mute Swan (immature)
Deborah Tracy Kral: Northern Pintail and Canada Goose
Deborah Tracy Kral: Common Merganser with family
Deborah Tracy Kral: Northern Shoveler
Deborah Tracy Kral: Northern Shovelers
Deborah Tracy Kral: Wood Duck at Baird Park
Deborah Tracy Kral: Mergenser_hooded_ducklings_dk8449
Deborah Tracy Kral: Pied-billed Grebe
Deborah Tracy Kral: Northern Pintail
Deborah Tracy Kral: Common Merganser family
Deborah Tracy Kral: Common Mergansers
Deborah Tracy Kral: Wood Ducks