Deborah Tracy Kral:
Oystercatcher and chick
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Piper Plover - Nickerson Beach
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Piper Plover - Nickerson Beach
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Common Tern with fish
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Black-headed Gull
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Ruddy Turnstone
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Ruddy Turnstone
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Black-headed Gull
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Ruddy Turnstone
Deborah Tracy Kral:
American Avocets
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Tern chick - Nickerson Beach
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Purple Sandpiper
Deborah Tracy Kral:
White Ibis
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Ruddy Turnstone
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Least Tern
Deborah Tracy Kral:
White Ibis
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Least Sandpiper - "Puddle Peep"
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Tricolored Heron
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Willet Courtship
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Shorebird spectacle
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Greater Yellowlegs
Deborah Tracy Kral:
Immature Laughing Gull