marcis.: a wedding will pass here at some point
marcis.: the toilet paper is still there
marcis.: greek rooftops
marcis.: old Venitian fort
marcis.: old marble pavement
marcis.: cab
marcis.: karpuzi
marcis.: wat
marcis.: the hippie beach
marcis.: a building inside a cave
marcis.: a whale washed ashore
marcis.: Agness the hippie girl
marcis.: all seats face the street
marcis.: and that's in the evening
marcis.: backgammon
marcis.: across the shallows
marcis.: cave drawings
marcis.: celofane and palm leaves
marcis.: clear shallows
marcis.: colors and dust
marcis.: could not resist
marcis.: everyone and their mother
marcis.: everyone eats everything from everyones plate
marcis.: feel like praying in the middle of nowhere?
marcis.: handstanding Agness
marcis.: hippie beach
marcis.: hippie beach
marcis.: irrigation
marcis.: it glows
marcis.: it'll be a while