freight262: Welcome to Israel
freight262: View from hotel, Tel Aviv
freight262: All hot water comes from solar said our guide.
freight262: walking around Tel Aviv
freight262: Dogs of Tel Aviv
freight262: street posters
freight262: Tel Aviv suburb, curb-side recycling bin
freight262: scooter infestation here too
freight262: typical electric pole
freight262: Tal by the Beach hotel - our hotel
freight262: Caesarea to Migdal by Sea of Galilee
freight262: Herod the Great's port city of Caesarea
freight262: Caesarea
freight262: Pontius Pilot stone of Caesarea and our guide, Michelle
freight262: Herod's palace swimming pool
freight262: windy and cold
freight262: Caesarea theater
freight262: Fr. Ed reads a passage from the Bible
freight262: Driving Caesarea to Mt. Carmel - typical coastal plain
freight262: Poster at the Druze restaurant we stopped at for lunch
freight262: headed toward Mt. Carmel, hill country
freight262: Entrance to the Carmelite monastery.
freight262: Mt. Carmel
freight262: Where Elijah slew the priests of Baal
freight262: valley below Carmelite Monastery Mt. Carmel
freight262: Inside the chapel taking shelter from the rain
freight262: Carmelite monastery overlook
freight262: Jezreel Valley from Carmelite Monastery
freight262: Hill country near Mt. Carmel Monastery