SeeWithGreaterEyes: Blood Pours Down
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Hard and Cracked Ground
SeeWithGreaterEyes: No Song is Heard
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Dying Womb
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Piled Up in Heaps
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Every Kind of Evil
SeeWithGreaterEyes: They Have Surly Hated Me... - Says the Lord
SeeWithGreaterEyes: The Heart of the Lord is Very Heavy
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Lamentation from the Lord
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Running Away
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Infinite and Deep Sorrow
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Crucified Again
SeeWithGreaterEyes: NO PLEASURE AT ALL!
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Drive in the Nails Still...
SeeWithGreaterEyes: The Grief of The Lord
SeeWithGreaterEyes: The Mighty Stand Proud
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Barely a Tear is Shed
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Incurable Wound
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Purged and Burned
SeeWithGreaterEyes: I Am Come Down, To Take My Spoil..
SeeWithGreaterEyes: They Choose Death!...
SeeWithGreaterEyes: Sheer Cliffs On Every Side
SeeWithGreaterEyes: I AM COME DOWN
SeeWithGreaterEyes: My Blood Runs Down, My Tears Run Down
SeeWithGreaterEyes: THEY DO NOT KNOW ME!