sapphire_rouge: 桃の節句 dolls festival (March 3rd); peach festival
sapphire_rouge: 花桜桃 cherry jelly
sapphire_rouge: 桜花しぐれ Cherry blossom rain
sapphire_rouge: 白桃しぐれ white peach rain 織部錦 Tax man of a colorful kimono in the Heian Period
sapphire_rouge: wagashi 2
sapphire_rouge: Wagashi of a Cherry blossoms
sapphire_rouge: Sakura Mochi
sapphire_rouge: Wagashi,Tokyu department store
sapphire_rouge: Japanese dessert Monaka
sapphire_rouge: Saint Marc Cafe is cheap
sapphire_rouge: Matcha parfait
sapphire_rouge: きびだんごと抹茶 Millet dumplings and green tea
sapphire_rouge: Night parfait
sapphire_rouge: Peach and half-fermented sake parfait
sapphire_rouge: Eatable Nara mascot