sapphire_rouge: bullfrog in the sunset
sapphire_rouge: mysterious park
sapphire_rouge: Heaven I was able to get
sapphire_rouge: Henri Rousseau's dream
sapphire_rouge: Most shining figure
sapphire_rouge: Summer in the ball
sapphire_rouge: Whisper of the bee
sapphire_rouge: Misunderstanding scene
sapphire_rouge: Flowering with fractals
sapphire_rouge: Taxiway to Rashomon
sapphire_rouge: View from under the gate
sapphire_rouge: Ukrainian color boy
sapphire_rouge: Under the blue sky
sapphire_rouge: 参道 approaching
sapphire_rouge: 初詣 first visit of the year to a shrine
sapphire_rouge: 轍 ruts
sapphire_rouge: 寒いゾー Cool elephant
sapphire_rouge: Lucky stream
sapphire_rouge: White spider lily
sapphire_rouge: Red and white colony
sapphire_rouge: Park with swallowtail butterflies
sapphire_rouge: small copper butterfly
sapphire_rouge: Summer solstice pond
sapphire_rouge: perfect opening for Buddha to sit down
sapphire_rouge: Beyond the lotus
sapphire_rouge: mysterious shape
sapphire_rouge: Above the lotus
sapphire_rouge: Spring spreading at my feet
sapphire_rouge: Dandelion in a small park
sapphire_rouge: Fashionable apron