BdoubleT&I: a caravan to Bullard mine
BdoubleT&I: where are those rocks
BdoubleT&I: on top of the dump pile
BdoubleT&I: which road
BdoubleT&I: a no trespassing sign
BdoubleT&I: where are the other adits
BdoubleT&I: view from the top of the mine
BdoubleT&I: view from the top
BdoubleT&I: old mining equipment
BdoubleT&I: this is the spot / Bullard mine site
BdoubleT&I: circle the wagons
BdoubleT&I: desert view
BdoubleT&I: the road
BdoubleT&I: salt mine view
BdoubleT&I: glauberite from Camp Verde, AZ
BdoubleT&I: salt mine Camp Verde
BdoubleT&I: salt mine Camp Verde, AZ
BdoubleT&I: Burro Creek area
BdoubleT&I: checking out the creek level
BdoubleT&I: how deep
BdoubleT&I: flowing water in the creek
BdoubleT&I: looking for a perfect specimen
BdoubleT&I: agate pastelite booty
BdoubleT&I: Burro Creek rockhounds in the creek bed
BdoubleT&I: rock hounds on the hunt - location I
BdoubleT&I: what's left of the hunk of agate
BdoubleT&I: pincushion cacti growing on a bouldar
BdoubleT&I: bouldars containing calcite
BdoubleT&I: pretty bouldar in Burrow Creek
BdoubleT&I: opalite rocks in the dry wash - location II