Jackan!: Jackan does Spiral Jetty, in the mind of Cartier Bresson
Jackan!: seafoam in IR
Jackan!: David in IR on a GSL causeway...
Jackan!: Delicate IR fusion
Jackan!: At Natural Bridges National Monument
Jackan!: dog williams, another case of ....
Jackan!: The Marching Men, in Klondike Bluffs area
Jackan!: three more gossips
Jackan!: What is wrong with this photo?
Jackan!: Delicate Arch, with ruble below
Jackan!: David BAPing
Jackan!: Pansies IR + Color
Jackan!: Wilson & Satori in IR
Jackan!: RII IRnot
Jackan!: David reeling in the balloon
Jackan!: Natalie, at the helm of the balloon
Jackan!: At the Spiral Jetty, Sunset
Jackan!: Clouds at the Spiral Jetty, in IR
Jackan!: back side of Delicate IR
Jackan!: IR desertscape
Jackan!: new and old
Jackan!: Standard Delicate in IR
Jackan!: Park Ave in back, with 3 gossips
Jackan!: Guess where Utah
Jackan!: Corona Arch
Jackan!: Us, in Glacier Park, in infrared