Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Be careful... I am delicate
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Can I bother you for a swim?
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Illumination by an Angel
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): When the going gets tough...
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder, the keeper of magic and dreams
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Stark Reflections
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Laying It Out There
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Social Media Hog
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Break in a chair just like a good book
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): All a girl needs is her best friend and some sun
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Hiding in the shadows
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Pressing for time
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Perception is everything
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Things that go bump
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Backhanded Favors
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Family Freak Show
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Our willingness to wait reveals the value we place on what we're waiting for
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): You said you would be there. Now all that's left is an empty space.
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Too Good at Goodbyes part 2
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): The Music turned me into a...
Tessa Rosca (tessagrace51): Arms of Security