jrdaumer: Power is finally restored - Nov3'12
jrdaumer: Empire is the only building around with power - Oct29'12
jrdaumer: Met Life Clock Tower - Oct29'12
jrdaumer: Crushed Car 2 - Oct30'12
jrdaumer: Crushed car - Oct30'12
jrdaumer: Trees fallen over 42nd St - Oct30'12
jrdaumer: Storm Troopers - Oct31'12
jrdaumer: Water being pumped from Wall Street basements - Oct31'12
jrdaumer: Entrance to FiDi Parking Garage 2 - Oct31'12
jrdaumer: Entrance to FiDi Parking Garage - Oct31'12
jrdaumer: Downed trees along the East River - Oct31'12
jrdaumer: Downed trees along the East River - Oct31'12
jrdaumer: IMG_7330
jrdaumer: SoPo: South of Power - Oct31'12
jrdaumer: Power grab - Nov1'12
jrdaumer: Still no power - Nov3'12
jrdaumer: Empty Aisles - Nov3'12