Tiger Barb Shots: Giant inflatable Mandeville and Wenlock
Tiger Barb Shots: Mascots and the Royal Arsenal
Tiger Barb Shots: Ha-Ha Road
Tiger Barb Shots: The shooting arena
Tiger Barb Shots: The shooting arena
Tiger Barb Shots: Flags of the world
Tiger Barb Shots: Free concert given by the locals
Tiger Barb Shots: The archery arena
Tiger Barb Shots: The archery arena
Tiger Barb Shots: The targets
Tiger Barb Shots: Richard Hennahane
Tiger Barb Shots: Archery grandstand
Tiger Barb Shots: Matt Stutzman of the USA
Tiger Barb Shots: Matt Stutzman
Tiger Barb Shots: Pippa Britton of GB
Tiger Barb Shots: Russian coaches
Tiger Barb Shots: Bow and arrow sculpture in Woolwich town centre
Tiger Barb Shots: Inside the shooting arena
Tiger Barb Shots: Inside the shooting arena
Tiger Barb Shots: Final of the men's R7 50m rifle
Tiger Barb Shots: Putting together the podium
Tiger Barb Shots: Medal ceremony
Tiger Barb Shots: The shooting arena
Tiger Barb Shots: View from the upper tier of the archery arena
Tiger Barb Shots: The archery arena
Tiger Barb Shots: Dancing Gamesmakers
Tiger Barb Shots: Team recurve bronze medal playoff
Tiger Barb Shots: Team recurve final