Tiger Barb Shots: Chinese fans at Earl's Court
Tiger Barb Shots: Outside Earl's Court
Tiger Barb Shots: Young Chinese fans pose with PCs
Tiger Barb Shots: Brazilian and for some reason German fans
Tiger Barb Shots: Inside Earl's Court
Tiger Barb Shots: USA and China line up before the game
Tiger Barb Shots: USA v China
Tiger Barb Shots: USA celebrate a point
Tiger Barb Shots: USA v China
Tiger Barb Shots: Post-match acknowledgement
Tiger Barb Shots: Brazilian fans
Tiger Barb Shots: Brazilian fans
Tiger Barb Shots: Brazil and South Korea line up
Tiger Barb Shots: Both teams huddle post-point
Tiger Barb Shots: Brazil v South Korea
Tiger Barb Shots: Imaginary bongos
Tiger Barb Shots: Imaginary bongos
Tiger Barb Shots: No sitting down for a volleyball umpire
Tiger Barb Shots: Post-match
Tiger Barb Shots: Brazil acknowledge their fans