the_stormwarning_au: Where did you think David got that hair style from
the_stormwarning_au: I said what a hard let me sleep
the_stormwarning_au: What a hard day
the_stormwarning_au: Can someone get me a snack please
the_stormwarning_au: Don't tell me to get off
the_stormwarning_au: This is relaxing
the_stormwarning_au: That water was deep
the_stormwarning_au: So I what?
the_stormwarning_au: Can you hold it please
the_stormwarning_au: ohhh, water too
the_stormwarning_au: I like these treat things
the_stormwarning_au: What the hell is that over there
the_stormwarning_au: My first outing to the park
the_stormwarning_au: OK I got in here how the hell do I get out
the_stormwarning_au: You said to smile...didn't you
the_stormwarning_au: I'm a Newf, I don't need puppy school
the_stormwarning_au: This is my bone
the_stormwarning_au: I know it's in hear somewhere
the_stormwarning_au: So you saw me dig...get over it
the_stormwarning_au: Puppy on his Storm bean bag02
the_stormwarning_au: Puppy on his Storm bean bag
the_stormwarning_au: burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
the_stormwarning_au: Early Christmas morning with these new people
the_stormwarning_au: I got up early but just missed Santa
the_stormwarning_au: So many people to save...
the_stormwarning_au: Now you two swim between the flags please
the_stormwarning_au: OK, not so bad after all
the_stormwarning_au: At the beach already....stop working me like a dog