Factotumm: IMG_8531 Bag of framed images
Factotumm: IMG_8538 HR painting of a young girl
Factotumm: IMG_8539 young girl label by ACR in 1989
Factotumm: IMG_8540 also in the frame with the young girl
Factotumm: IMG_8541Label Portrait of Mme de BuyRo
Factotumm: IMG_8542 Portrait of Mme de BuyRo
Factotumm: IMG_8544 painting of a young girl and photo of the painting
Factotumm: IMG_8545 girl with a yellow bow
Factotumm: IMG_8546 portrait Leonard Krask and label
Factotumm: IMG_8547 Leonard Krask label
Factotumm: IMG_8549 translucency of miniatures
Factotumm: Miniature DRG as a child by Heloise Redfield
Factotumm: MWR-page-17-Rockwell Kent and Heloise Guilloû Redfield