Factotumm: IMG_6750 coil pot to be refired PSH clay not sure which one
Factotumm: Figure in the chimney
Factotumm: IMG_6747 broken cone 6 not down
Factotumm: IMG_6745 right bottom near the door
Factotumm: right side towards the chimney
Factotumm: IMG_6743 Left Chimney
Factotumm: IMG_6742 Chimney Stack
Factotumm: IMG_6741 cone six down melted bracelet
Factotumm: IMG_6740 Chimnet Stack
Factotumm: IMG_6739 Cone Six down even in the chimney stack
Factotumm: Cones splattered red
Factotumm: Crawled Red
Factotumm: left side of the kiln behind the door
Factotumm: Cone Six Down by Wai Yant's white bowl
Factotumm: Wai Yant Two Big Bowls
Factotumm: Anne-Marie and cone pad
Factotumm: Chick
Factotumm: Sara Hand Ash Shadow right hand side
Factotumm: Lily and Joan, Sara's Hand
Factotumm: Cones Left side CU
Factotumm: Cone pad left peep hole
Factotumm: Centre Back
Factotumm: Centre Back
Factotumm: looking towards the back of the kiln
Factotumm: Lily and the Cone Pad
Factotumm: cones in the sunshine
Factotumm: IMG_6712 Better Cones in the light from the peepholes
Factotumm: IMG_6710 Ash Right top door
Factotumm: Light from the door
Factotumm: IMG_6708 cones centre top door