Factotumm: MKIS and SSMD
Factotumm: Assemblage
Factotumm: Iron Straw and Krystal Tin
Factotumm: MK Iron Straw under and over K Tin
Factotumm: John Britt Lichen over Gosu water
Factotumm: John Britt Lichen over gosu wash
Factotumm: Mobius Test Bands
Factotumm: AFB and Jenn's base over PText
Factotumm: SSM versus SSMD
Factotumm: SSM and SSMD
Factotumm: Glass (SSMD) and Coaster (SSM)
Factotumm: Kwong with copper flashing
Factotumm: Bowls on Disks
Factotumm: SSMD pair