Factotumm: cone ten cherry blossom mid Red
Factotumm: base
Factotumm: CM Pink Icing Mid-Red
Factotumm: Krystal with Tin Oxide Mid Red
Factotumm: Krystal with Tin Oxide Mid Red
Factotumm: Folk Art Guild tests combined Mid Red
Factotumm: Dry Sculptural White Mid Red
Factotumm: DSW over Gosu wash
Factotumm: ACM, maybe, over Gosu wash
Factotumm: Jade Base on Mid Red clay
Factotumm: Pearl Refired at ^06
Factotumm: Krystal Tin
Factotumm: Persimmon ++ refired
Factotumm: Persimmon plus plus on midred
Factotumm: RDFS over JPRed plus cobalt and Beefy Red
Factotumm: RDFS over JPRed plus cobalt
Factotumm: RDFS over JPRed plus cobalt
Factotumm: RDFS over JPRed plus cobalt
Factotumm: Persimmon plus plus over JPRed plus cobalt
Factotumm: Persimmon over OD Green
Factotumm: Persimmon plus plus over OD Green
Factotumm: Krystal Tin over Persimmom plus plus
Factotumm: Persimmon dipped and pulled
Factotumm: Persimmon plus plus pulled
Factotumm: Persimmon plus plus over Beefy Red
Factotumm: RDFS over Persimmon plus plus
Factotumm: RDFS over Beefy Red
Factotumm: Different glazes over JP Red variants
Factotumm: DS White and Krystal Clear on ConYO clay body
Factotumm: Folk Art Guild base and Krystal Clear on ConYO