Factotumm: JWA + 6% bone ash over EDs Black
Factotumm: JWA plus 12% before and after
Factotumm: Plus six and plus twelve
Factotumm: RDFS over JWA plus 6 bone ash
Factotumm: Jochre with JWA + 6%bone ash and Tichane ash
Factotumm: Tichane and JWA + over Jim's
Factotumm: Pale Pale over JWA plus
Factotumm: JWA plus 6 percent bone ash
Factotumm: Rhodes Rutile slip, Ash and JWA plus
Factotumm: Rhodes JWA and R Ash
Factotumm: JWA +6% bone ash used as a stain
Factotumm: JWA plus, pair of tiles
Factotumm: JWA ,pair of tests
Factotumm: JWA, pair of tiles
Factotumm: Pale pale over JWA plus refired
Factotumm: Pale pale over JWA plus
Factotumm: Pale Pale over JWA Plus bone ash
Factotumm: Pale pale over JWA plus refired
Factotumm: Pale Pale over JWA
Factotumm: Pale Pale over JWA plus
Factotumm: Pale Pale over JWA plus bone ash
Factotumm: Jim's Ash over JWA
Factotumm: JWA plus with metallic
Factotumm: JWA plus with bronze
Factotumm: cone six Guan over JWA plus
Factotumm: Pale Pale over JWA
Factotumm: JWA clennell
Factotumm: JWA plus bone ash clennell tests
Factotumm: JWA plus 6 % bone ash over fall flashing slip samples