claudie1942: 104_6111 Boaz CoG
claudie1942: 104_6112 Boaz CoG
claudie1942: 104_6115 Frances and Melvin shields and Roy Shirley
claudie1942: 104_6116 Melvin Shields and Roy Shirley
claudie1942: 104_6117 Frances Shields and grandson
claudie1942: 104_6118
claudie1942: 104_6119
claudie1942: 104_6120
claudie1942: 100_5770
claudie1942: 100_5771
claudie1942: 100_5772
claudie1942: 100_5773 Martha
claudie1942: 100_5774
claudie1942: 100_5775
claudie1942: 100_5776
claudie1942: 100_5777
claudie1942: 100_5778
claudie1942: 100_5779
claudie1942: 100_5780
claudie1942: 100_5781 Car Wash
claudie1942: 100_5782 Boaz
claudie1942: 100_5783 Dollar General at night
claudie1942: 100_5786
claudie1942: 100_5788
claudie1942: 104_6131 Heather and Jager
claudie1942: 104_6132 Heather and Jager
claudie1942: 104_6133 At Jager's Birthday Party
claudie1942: 104_6134 At Jager's Birthday Party
claudie1942: 104_6135 At Jager's Birthday Party
claudie1942: 104_6136 At Jager's Birthday Party