Someday man:
Johanniskloster, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Johanniskloster, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Stralsund, Germany.
Someday man:
Johanniskloster, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Johanniskloster, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Johanniskloster, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Johanniskloster, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Johanniskloster, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Johanniskloster, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Johanniskloster, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Stralsund, Germany.
Someday man:
City hall, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Stralsund, Germany.
Someday man:
Stralsund, Germany.
Someday man:
Kampischer Hof - dwellings and storage for cistercienser order while in Stralsund.
Someday man:
Kampischer Hof - dwellings and storage for cistercienser order while in Stralsund
Someday man:
Kampischer Hof - dwellings and storage for cistercienser order while in Stralsund.
Someday man:
Modell of the Bergenfahrer altar in Nicolai church round 1500, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Stralsund, Germany.
Someday man:
City gate, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Stralsund, Germany.
Someday man:
Kampischer Hof - dwellings and storage for cistercienser order while in Stralsund.
Someday man:
Stralsund, Germany.
Someday man:
Crenelation, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Alte Markt, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Stralsund, Germany.
Someday man:
City gate, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Mumified mouse and rat, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Fire place in the cellar of 14:th century merchant house, Stralsund.
Someday man:
Winch in the attic of 14:th century merchant house, Stralsund.