kenmores: Bridge no more
kenmores: Phelps brook crossing
kenmores: Tabletop herdpath
kenmores: A momentary pocket of blue
kenmores: Summit multi-tasking
kenmores: Haystack framed by two grizzled trees
kenmores: Basin mtn
kenmores: Haystack mtn.
kenmores: White on white
kenmores: Marcy peeks through
kenmores: Tabletop view to the west
kenmores: The snowy track
kenmores: Ski trail only
kenmores: Indian falls
kenmores: Wright slides
kenmores: Colden peeks out
kenmores: Marcy dam bridge (no more)
kenmores: Snowshoers and skiers coexist!
kenmores: Marcy brook crossover
kenmores: Marcy brook logs