allendoc: It's convoluted
allendoc: Ever upwards
allendoc: Forest parasols
allendoc: Cootamundra wattle
allendoc: Backyard Beauty
allendoc: Backyard Beauty revisited
allendoc: Forest floor fans
allendoc: Touchdown
allendoc: Ghost walker
allendoc: Grevillea curves 2
allendoc: Curtain call
allendoc: Enticement
allendoc: Tendrils of Nymphoides creanta
allendoc: Dandelion musings
allendoc: After light rain, a lesson in surface tension
allendoc: Holding on
allendoc: Ready to be counted
allendoc: Caps off
allendoc: Emerged Rose Mallee flower
allendoc: Our oregano-eating grasshopper (acrididae)
allendoc: Eating my fill
allendoc: Wayward wattle moth caterpillar
allendoc: Grevillea spinulosa
allendoc: Moss & leaf
allendoc: Grevillea seed pods begin to open
allendoc: Developing seed pods on Banksia spinulosa
allendoc: An orchid moment
allendoc: Eyes on you
allendoc: Moss & leaf
allendoc: Jumping spider on a Kangaroo Paw