ginann: Blossom near the side entrance 5.4.2011
ginann: Cowslips, Primula veris 5.4.2011
ginann: Japanese knoteed 5.4.2011
ginann: First bluebells 5.4.2011
ginann: Japanese knotweeed, path side 5.4.2011
ginann: Japanese knotweed in new clearing 5.4.2011
ginann: Main Path near the side entrance 5.4.2011
ginann: Birch trees coming into leaf, 11.04.2011
ginann: Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale 11.04.2011
ginann: Young Spotted Wood butterfly 11.04.2011
ginann: Near the side entrance 11.04.2011
ginann: Isaac Watts statue 11.04.2011
ginann: Horse Chestnut tree with flower buds, 11.04.2011
ginann: Path side bluebells 1, 11.04.2011
ginann: First cow parsley 1, 11.04.2011
ginann: Pathside bluebells 2. 11.04.2011
ginann: Blossom from the war memorial, 11.04.2011
ginann: Jay on General Booth's grave 16.4.2011
ginann: Garlic Mustard, Alliaria petiolata 16.4.2011
ginann: Cow Parsley, Anthriscus sylvestris 16.4.2011
ginann: Spanish Bluebells, blue and white 16.4.2011
ginann: Tree in blossom over Delt Memorial 16.4.2011
ginann: Detail of blossom 16.4.2011
ginann: Cow Parsley growing in North of Abney 16.4.2011
ginann: Spanish Bluebell, Endymion hispanicus, mauve, 16.4.2011
ginann: Horse Chestnut tree beginning to flower 16.4.2011
ginann: Cow Parsley growing centrally, pathside 16.4.2011
ginann: Pocket Handkerchief tree, Davidia Involucrata, 16.4.2011
ginann: Great Spotted Woodpecker feathers from red patch under tail 16.4.2011
ginann: Great Spotted Woodpecker's flight feather 16.4.2011