UGL_UIUC: volition crew15
UGL_UIUC: voltion crew12
UGL_UIUC: volition crew4
UGL_UIUC: volition crew3
UGL_UIUC: volition crew1
UGL_UIUC: volition images
UGL_UIUC: Volition, Inc. team member talks to a student
UGL_UIUC: volition crew 23
UGL_UIUC: art student group 4
UGL_UIUC: art student group 3
UGL_UIUC: game club with volition crew
UGL_UIUC: art student group 2
UGL_UIUC: ACM Gamebuilders
UGL_UIUC: ACM Gamebuilders 2
UGL_UIUC: game design club 1
UGL_UIUC: volition crew22
UGL_UIUC: volition crew21
UGL_UIUC: volition crew2
UGL_UIUC: volition crew6
UGL_UIUC: volition crew7
UGL_UIUC: volition crew8
UGL_UIUC: volition crew9
UGL_UIUC: volition crew11
UGL_UIUC: volition crew18
UGL_UIUC: white board for event