zane_houston: Chert Chewer
Mammoth Bricks: WIP for the Medina al Musawrah collab
malt.j: Altberg Castle
Synthetic bug: alpinists
Syrdarian: Herbalist's Enchanted Haven
BetaNotus: Snowcat
BetaNotus: Alberich's Decadence
Satnis: A new start
Computer_073: Ares tank IRL
Computer_073: DOTS wip_2
Computer_073: Impaler (IOP)
Sparks ️: Daft Punk
the_ Inventor: Beware of mine flooding
Lego.Pepijn: Working hard is part of being a blacksmith
Faëbricks: l'Hirondelle
lebrickoleur: Hôtel de ville
JakobKaiserMOCs: New Hashima: Sector 22 - Elevator Lobby
BetaNotus: Spiritfarer - Stella's Boat
Mammoth Bricks: My build for Summer Joust 2024, “Into the Middle East”
=KommandantCustom=: Brick Fair stuff
Alpha Bernini: Goshawk – Forestmen VicViper
MorlornEmpire: Liberator Podcast
Greeble_Scum: EmotioNerd
Shamisenfred: TTAGJEONGBEOLLE the royal guard
Red Spacecat: R90 T-wing interceptor
N.A.B.E_mocs: Lego Totem Pole
kukuririnn527: Walking Robot:The Very Hungry Caterpillar-Type
pasukaru76: Small Octagonal Cockpit Breakdown