Go-Myanmar.com: Mrauk U, Rakhine State
Go-Myanmar.com: Kothaung temple (the temple of 90,000 Buddha images) front view
Go-Myanmar.com: Ratanabon Paya monks washing their robes
Go-Myanmar.com: Sunset view from hill just to the north of Ratanabon Paya
Go-Myanmar.com: Pizi Phara pagoda
Go-Myanmar.com: Mrauk U, Rakhine State
Go-Myanmar.com: Mrauk U, Rakhine State
Go-Myanmar.com: Lattsaykan lake
Go-Myanmar.com: Kothaung temple (the temple of 90,000 Buddha images) interior
Go-Myanmar.com: Ratanabon Paya monk
Go-Myanmar.com: Sunset view from hill just to the north of Ratanabon Paya (9)
Go-Myanmar.com: Sunset view from hill just to the north of Ratanabon Paya
Go-Myanmar.com: Haridaung Pagoda dusk view
Go-Myanmar.com: Htukkanthein temple (in background)
Go-Myanmar.com: Andaw temple interior
Go-Myanmar.com: Andaw temple
Go-Myanmar.com: City walls
Go-Myanmar.com: Dusk view of Htukkanthein temple from hill just to the north of Ratanabon Paya
Go-Myanmar.com: Farmers and oxen at work near Pitaka Taik
Go-Myanmar.com: Haridaung Pagoda view
Go-Myanmar.com: Haridaung Pagoda view
Go-Myanmar.com: Andaw temple interior
Go-Myanmar.com: Htukkanthein temple
Go-Myanmar.com: Htukkanthein temple (on the left)
Go-Myanmar.com: Htukkanthein temple interior
Go-Myanmar.com: Htukkanthein temple interior (3)
Go-Myanmar.com: City walls looking towards the centre of Mrauk U
Go-Myanmar.com: Htukkanthein temple interior (6)
Go-Myanmar.com: City walls