artandfurniture2012: Thunder on the Mountain...
artandfurniture2012: A wet Day Out
artandfurniture2012: Clear Bright Moon and a Pink Campervan
artandfurniture2012: In Our Time
artandfurniture2012: .....the secret of chic"
artandfurniture2012: Tangerine Flake Streamline Baby
artandfurniture2012: Kandy Koloured Kool
artandfurniture2012: Summer in the Pennines
artandfurniture2012: VW Campervan
artandfurniture2012: It’s Such a Fine and Natural Sight
artandfurniture2012: T2 The Orange Decades
artandfurniture2012: ".....Take it hip to hip rocket through the wilderness...."
artandfurniture2012: "...Skip the air-strip for the sunset.."
artandfurniture2012: "...Just a Mirror for the Sun..."
artandfurniture2012: The Great Beyond
artandfurniture2012: "...looking for answers..."
artandfurniture2012: ...In all this talk of time...
artandfurniture2012: "...and I don't want to stay around..."
artandfurniture2012: VW Mark1GTi
artandfurniture2012: Saw you shining in the sun this morning
artandfurniture2012: Take me back to the place that I know
artandfurniture2012: Behind the guarded walls I used to go
artandfurniture2012: talk with people that we meet
artandfurniture2012: ...sometimes I must get out in the light
artandfurniture2012: Roam if you want to
artandfurniture2012: I've watched the stars fall silent