Linda Reeder: Leah tries on my backpack. Hmm...not so sure about this...
Linda Reeder: Leaving Charles Town
Linda Reeder: Katherine with Mufasa. At Henry's house in Lexington for 2 nights.
Linda Reeder: Looking out the car window, leaving Lexington on a cold rainy morning with remnants of slow-moving Hurricane Harvey that had devastated Houston a week earlier.
Linda Reeder: Day 3: A gas stop in Mayberry Indiana
Linda Reeder: Day 3: Mayberry Indiana. A sneak peek at David chatting with father and son, Monroe & Barrett Boyd, on their way to motorcycle races in Springfield
Linda Reeder: Day 3: our new acquaintances, Monroe & Barrett Boyd overtake us on I-64 in Indiana
Linda Reeder: Day 3: our new acquaintances, Monroe & Barrett Boyd overtake us on I-64 in Indiana
Linda Reeder: Day 3: our new acquaintances, Monroe & Barrett Boyd overtake us on I-64 in Indiana
Linda Reeder: Day 3: Crossing the Ohio River on the John F. Kennedy Memorial Bridge in Louisville Kentucky...and entering Indiana on the other side
Linda Reeder: Day 3: driving into the sunset on a long 12-hour drive of 720 miles from Lexington Kentucky thru Indiana and Illinois to spend the night at the EconoLodge in Junction City Kansas
Linda Reeder: Day 3: driving into the sunset on a long 12-hour drive of 720 miles from Lexington Kentucky thru Indiana and Illinois to spend the night at the EconoLodge in Junction City Kansas
Linda Reeder: Day 3: driving into the sunset on a long 12-hour drive of 720 miles from Lexington Kentucky thru Indiana and Illinois to spend the night at the EconoLodge in Junction City Kansas
Linda Reeder: 2017-10-06_11-12-24
Linda Reeder: Somewhere in Kansas - David removes battery corrosion using the Coca Cola method
Linda Reeder: Somewhere in Kansas - David removes battery corrosion using the Coca Cola method
Linda Reeder: Salina Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Salinas Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Salinas Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Salina Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Salina Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Salina Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Labor Day festival in Brookville Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Sandstone Saloon - Labor Day festival in Brookville Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Sandstone Saloon - Labor Day festival in Brookville Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Sandstone Saloon - Labor Day festival in Brookville Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Labor Day parade in Brookville Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Labor Day parade in Brookville Kansas - Day 2
Linda Reeder: Labor Day parade in Brookville Kansas - Day 2