Ron Winkler nature:
Dead moll's fingers (Xylaria longipes) Esdoornhoutknotszwam
Ron Winkler nature:
Coral fungus (Clavulinopsis sp) knotszwam
Ron Winkler nature:
Common puffball (Lycoperdon perlatum) Parelstuifzwam
Ron Winkler nature:
grassland puffball (Lycoperdon lividum) Melige stuifzwam
Ron Winkler nature:
Buttery Collybia (Rhodocollybia butyracea) Botercollybia
Ron Winkler nature:
Frayed parasol mushroom (Macrolepiota excoriata) Rafelige parasolzwam
Ron Winkler nature:
Scotch bonnet (Marasmius oreades) Weidekringzwam
Ron Winkler nature:
Fringed earthstar (Geastrum fimbriatum) Gewimperde aardster
Ron Winkler nature:
Collared earthstar (Geastrum triplex) Gekraagde aardster
Ron Winkler nature:
Ron Winkler nature:
Ron Winkler nature:
Ron Winkler nature:
Ron Winkler nature:
White or crested coral fungus (Clavulina coralloides) Witte koraalzwam
Ron Winkler nature:
Blusher (Amanita rubescens) Parelamaniet
Ron Winkler nature:
Amethyst deceiver (Laccaria amethystina) Amethistzwam
Ron Winkler nature:
Ron Winkler nature:
Rough-stalked Hebeloma (Hebeloma sinapizans) Grote vaalhoed
Ron Winkler nature:
Clouded agaric or cloud funnel (Clitocybe nebularis) Nevelzwam
Ron Winkler nature:
Ron Winkler nature:
Mycena sp.
Ron Winkler nature:
One on top of the other - Buttery Collybia
Ron Winkler nature:
Buttery Collybia (Rhodocollybia butyracea) Botercollybia
Ron Winkler nature:
Buttery Collybia (Rhodocollybia butyracea) Botercollybia
Ron Winkler nature:
Mycena sp.
Ron Winkler nature:
Blackening brittlegill(Russula nigricans) Grofplaatrussula
Ron Winkler nature:
Bay bolete (Imleria (Xerocomus) badius) Kastanjeboleet
Ron Winkler nature:
Red cracking bolete (Xerocomellus chrysenteron) Roodsteelfluweelboleet
Ron Winkler nature:
Ron Winkler nature:
Penny Bun (Boletus edulis) Gewoon eekhoorntjesbrood