Ron Winkler nature:
Wedge-Snouted Skink (Sphenops sepsoides) נחושית חולות
Ron Winkler nature:
Snake-eyed lizard (Ophisops elegans) עינחש עדינה
Ron Winkler nature:
Bridled Mabuya (Trachylepis (Mabuya) vittata) חומט פסים
Ron Winkler nature:
Rüppell's Snake-eyed Skink (Ablepharus rueppellii) חומט גמדי
Ron Winkler nature:
Rüppell's Snake-eyed Skink (Ablepharus rueppellii) חומט גמדי
Ron Winkler nature:
Male desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria)
Ron Winkler nature:
cricket (Lezina concolor) צרגול בהיר eating desert locust
Ron Winkler nature:
beetle eating locust
Ron Winkler nature:
Testudo graeca at the Hermon mountain
Ron Winkler nature:
Testudo graeca at the Hermon mountain
Ron Winkler nature:
Testudo graeca at the Golan heights
Ron Winkler nature:
Testudo graeca at the Golan heights
Ron Winkler nature:
Anderson's Short-fingered Gecko (Stenodactylus petrii) ישימונית רביבים
Ron Winkler nature:
Anderson's Short-fingered Gecko (Stenodactylus petrii) ישימונית רביבים
Ron Winkler nature:
Anderson's Short-fingered Gecko (Stenodactylus petrii) ישימונית רביבים
Ron Winkler nature:
Anderson's Short-fingered Gecko (Stenodactylus petrii) ישימונית רביבים
Ron Winkler nature:
Mediterranean mantis (Iris oratoria)
Ron Winkler nature:
Desert mantis (Eremiaphila brunneri) גמל שלמה מדברי
Ron Winkler nature:
Blepharopsis mendica
Ron Winkler nature:
Natterers Gecko (Tropiocolotes nattereri) שממית זוטית
Ron Winkler nature:
Natterers Gecko (Tropiocolotes nattereri) שממית זוטית
Ron Winkler nature:
Beetle taking off
Ron Winkler nature:
Two-tailed Pasha or Foxy Emperor (Charaxes jasius)
Ron Winkler nature:
Adscita statices
Ron Winkler nature:
(Zygaena graslini) סס מבריק אדום
Ron Winkler nature:
Larinus onopordi
Ron Winkler nature:
Tettigonia sp Green Bush cricket
Ron Winkler nature:
Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui) נמפית החורשף
Ron Winkler nature:
Egyptian spiny-tailed lizard (Uromastyx aegyptia) חרדון צב מצוי
Ron Winkler nature:
Ornate Uromastyx (Uromastyx ornata) חרדון צב הדור