neilfif11: grey plover with worm
neilfif11: pheasant-tailed jacana
neilfif11: digiscoping VA3 Nik V1_DSF8628
neilfif11: Ferry Pier on Kowloon from Hong Kong
neilfif11: greater sandplover
neilfif11: Black-crowned Night Heron
neilfif11: flamingos in the park (captive)
neilfif11: flamingo dozing in the park (captive)
neilfif11: northern shoveler (fem)
neilfif11: great cormorants
neilfif11: grey heron P7000 VA3 DSCN0556
neilfif11: pied kingfisher
neilfif11: pied kingfisher
neilfif11: pied kingfisher
neilfif11: grey heron grooming
neilfif11: black-faced spoonbills
neilfif11: grey heron and spoonbill
neilfif11: black-faced spoonbill grooming
neilfif11: common redshank
neilfif11: black-winged stilt chick with leg flag
neilfif11: Painted Snipe breed sonyhd kwva3 May2011
neilfif11: Chinese Pond Heron SonyHD kwva3 Jun 2011
neilfif11: Eurasian Curlews Waders SonyHD kwva Jun 2011