neilfif11: terek sandpipers,sandplovers and tatlers
neilfif11: asian dowitchers (breed)
neilfif11: asian dowitcher and spootted redshanks (breed)
neilfif11: asian dowitcher (breed )
neilfif11: pacific golden plover
neilfif11: sanderling
neilfif11: Warriewood Wetlands,Sydney
neilfif11: little wattlebird
neilfif11: bar-shouldered dove
neilfif11: red wattlebird
neilfif11: clouds over fish ponds
neilfif11: clouds over fish ponds
neilfif11: Birds Disturbed Mudflats DB rx100 30Jan 2013
neilfif11: dawn over the wetlands
neilfif11: dawn at the wetlands
neilfif11: Sierras from the air
neilfif11: denver from the air
neilfif11: snow over Colorado
neilfif11: nevada from the air
neilfif11: nevada from the air
neilfif11: nevada from the air
neilfif11: Nevada from the Air
neilfif11: terek sandpiper
neilfif11: Peregrine and Chicks 3
neilfif11: Peregrine Chicks
neilfif11: Peregrine and Chicks 1
neilfif11: Peregrine and Chicks 2
neilfif11: Marsh Sandpipers at Roost (3000 mm)
neilfif11: Marsh Sandpipers at Roost
neilfif11: Marsh Sandpipers at Roost (1200 mm)