neilfif11: terek sandpiper
neilfif11: Marsh Sandpiper Feeding
neilfif11: Common Teal Feeding
neilfif11: Terek Sandpiper
neilfif11: Black-capped Kingfisher
neilfif11: Marsh Sandpipers at Roost (3000 mm)
neilfif11: Marsh Sandpipers at Roost (1200 mm)
neilfif11: White-breasted Waterhen Feeding
neilfif11: Grey Heron
neilfif11: Black-faced Spoonbills
neilfif11: Oriental Stork
neilfif11: Greater Sandplover
neilfif11: Whimbrel
neilfif11: Whimbrel
neilfif11: Eurasian Curlew
neilfif11: Chinese Pond Heron
neilfif11: Marsh Sandpiper
neilfif11: Portrait of a Little Egret
neilfif11: A Greater Sandplover Grooming
neilfif11: Common Redshank
neilfif11: A Pair of Common Redshanks
neilfif11: A Common Redshank Grooming
neilfif11: A Yellow Bittern
neilfif11: whimbrel
neilfif11: Grey-tailed Tatler
neilfif11: greater sandplover
neilfif11: Black-crowned Heron
neilfif11: Flamingos in the Park (captive)
neilfif11: Black-crowned Night Heron (juvenile)
neilfif11: Black-crowned Night Heron