neilfif11: red-necked stints and golden plovers
neilfif11: eastern rosella
neilfif11: pelican in flight
neilfif11: pelican in flight
neilfif11: pelican in flight
neilfif11: Grey Fantail Grooming
neilfif11: Silver Gull
neilfif11: red-necked stints and golden plover
neilfif11: Kookaburra and flycatcher
neilfif11: beach
neilfif11: Sunset over sydney
neilfif11: Egretry
neilfif11: Egretry at Shortlands Wetlands
neilfif11: Rainbow Lorikeets feeding
neilfif11: Chestnut Teal (male)
neilfif11: Little Pied Cormorant Grooming
neilfif11: Dollarbird
neilfif11: brush cuckoo
neilfif11: hardhead (male)
neilfif11: little grebe
neilfif11: great egret
neilfif11: Darter (fem)
neilfif11: White-faced Heron
neilfif11: Silver Gulls (juvs)
neilfif11: Wandering Albatros
neilfif11: petrel
neilfif11: albatros
neilfif11: crested tern
neilfif11: arctic jaegar
neilfif11: shearwater