neilfif11: tsessebes (antelopes)
neilfif11: elephants
neilfif11: wildebeeste
neilfif11: wildebeeste and tsessebe
neilfif11: spur winged goose
neilfif11: The Bounty in Hong Kong Harbor
neilfif11: The Bounty in Hong Kong Harbor
neilfif11: The Bounty in Hong Kong Harbor
neilfif11: Path to the mangroves
neilfif11: mangroves
neilfif11: Wilson's Plover on the Beach
neilfif11: Marbled Godwit
neilfif11: Ferry on the Harbor
neilfif11: terek sandpiper with a crab
neilfif11: black-capped kingfisher
neilfif11: chinese pond heron (breed)
neilfif11: Shorebirds at Roost at Mai Po
neilfif11: Eurasian Curlews
neilfif11: Black Kites
neilfif11: Oriental Magpie Robin (fem)=
neilfif11: Great Cormorants
neilfif11: Black-eared Kite
neilfif11: oriental magpie robin (fem)
neilfif11: red-necked stints and golden plovers
neilfif11: Silver Gull
neilfif11: red-necked stints and golden plover
neilfif11: birds out on the reef
neilfif11: Little Pied Cormorant Grooming
neilfif11: Dollarbird
neilfif11: Osprey on a post