mimicapecod: Little Red Squirrel
mimicapecod: Another visit from "Little Red"
mimicapecod: I LOVE Winter
mimicapecod: ...I see you
mimicapecod: Little Red Returns
mimicapecod: Visitor
mimicapecod: Contemplation
mimicapecod: A feast for a fluffy furry fellow.
mimicapecod: "In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous" - Aristotle
mimicapecod: Nutcracker at Work
mimicapecod: Helloooooooo!
mimicapecod: "I pledge allegiance...
mimicapecod: There's no such thing as outwitting a squirrel.
mimicapecod: Enjoying Grape Jelly
mimicapecod: "Oh gosh, you caught me."
mimicapecod: Drunk on Grape Wine Jelly?
mimicapecod: "Thanks so much for filling the feeder with grape jelly. It's my favorite."
mimicapecod: Pleasure
mimicapecod: When will this snow melt!
mimicapecod: Ah, bird seed!
mimicapecod: The classic squirrel pose...
mimicapecod: "Good Morning"