mimicapecod: I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive. -Gilda Radner
mimicapecod: "Friends are the sunshine of our life." John Hay
mimicapecod: My Buddy Milo, Oh Milo!
mimicapecod: Rudy's Bar, Costa Rica
mimicapecod: Cold? - No Way!
mimicapecod: Love my Beanbag Chair (Bed?)
mimicapecod: Just Peeking!
mimicapecod: To err is human, to forgive, canine. -Unknown
mimicapecod: Meet Lucy
mimicapecod: Blessings of life...
mimicapecod: Lady in Red...and white
mimicapecod: Maggie Endorses Old Mother Hubbard Dog Biscuits
mimicapecod: Beach Bum
mimicapecod: Patiently waiting for the ice cream dish...
mimicapecod: Scottie Silhouette
mimicapecod: End of the day
mimicapecod: Taking it all in
mimicapecod: Neighborhood scout
mimicapecod: WHAT IS THAT?
mimicapecod: Maggie and Bear
mimicapecod: Miss Maggie
mimicapecod: Out For A Stroll
mimicapecod: While Visions of Dog Treats Danced In Her Head
mimicapecod: While Dreams Of Squirrels Danced In Her Head...
mimicapecod: The Scent of the Seashore
mimicapecod: Sleepy Friday - Explore, April 4, 2008
mimicapecod: "Are there any squirrels?"
mimicapecod: Miss Maggie
mimicapecod: Hiding in the Beach Grass
mimicapecod: Happy Furry Friday