mimicapecod: Union Army's 54th Massachusetts Regiment
mimicapecod: Honoring Freedom
mimicapecod: Brownstone Reflections
mimicapecod: Beacon Hill, Boston
mimicapecod: A Bargain at $2.75
mimicapecod: Cobblestone Streets of Boston
mimicapecod: Playing with Reflections
mimicapecod: Still Playing in Boston
mimicapecod: Massachusetts State House Dome
mimicapecod: Historic Brownstone Row Houses
mimicapecod: Historic Acorn Street
mimicapecod: Cheers!
mimicapecod: I See You!
mimicapecod: Bull's Eye Reflecting Brownstone
mimicapecod: The lover of nature is he whose inward and outward senses are still truly adjusted to each other... - Ralph Waldo Emerson
mimicapecod: Louisberg Square
mimicapecod: Copley Square - The new John Hancock viewed from steps of the Boston Public Library
mimicapecod: Summer on Beacon Hill
mimicapecod: The OLD and the NEW
mimicapecod: Boston, Back Bay
mimicapecod: Trinity Church reflected in the new John Hancock Building
mimicapecod: New York Public Library?
mimicapecod: View from the Window
mimicapecod: Beacon Hill Reflected
mimicapecod: Boston's Back Bay Neighborhood