mimicapecod: Peppermint Pink
mimicapecod: I would like you to meet Bud and Rose. They're a sweet couple.
mimicapecod: "Red and yellow, kiss a fellow..."
mimicapecod: ...Nature never did betray the heart that loved her. - William Wordsworth
mimicapecod: Last Rosa Rugosa
mimicapecod: Cabbage Patch Rose
mimicapecod: Yellow Rose of Connecticut
mimicapecod: Hot Pink in the Shade
mimicapecod: Beauty from within
mimicapecod: Ruffles
mimicapecod: Summer Roses
mimicapecod: Hey, bud!
mimicapecod: Come and make thy calm retreat among green leaves and blossoms sweet. - William Blake
mimicapecod: Peppermint Pink II
mimicapecod: "Friends are the roses of life...pick them carefully and avoid the thorns." Anonymous
mimicapecod: Fine up against a wall
mimicapecod: A brier rose whose buds yield fragrant harvest for the honey bee.
mimicapecod: No two alike
mimicapecod: Rosy Pink
mimicapecod: White Rose on Adobe Wall