Amos the eel: Yellowline arrow crab, Stenorhynchus seticornis
Amos the eel: Yellowline Arrow crab, Stenorhynchus seticornis on the rocks: cup corals Caryophyllia sp.
Amos the eel: Yellowline Arrow crab, Stenorhynchus seticornis
Amos the eel: Spotted sea hare, Aplysia dactylomela
Amos the eel: Spotted sea hare, Aplysia dactylomela Ornate wrasse, Thalassoma pavo in the background
Amos the eel: Angel shark, Squatina squatina
Amos the eel: Come back you yellow bastard! I'll bite your arms of!
Amos the eel: Oh yeah!? I don't think so!
Amos the eel: Argh! This.. patch.. of.. sand.. is.. mine!
Amos the eel: Let go of my arms!
Amos the eel: the fight is on
Amos the eel: Poplar hawkmoth Laothoe populiPoppelsvärmare
Amos the eel: Eat? This?
Amos the eel: Ollonborre i grusig barnhand
Amos the eel: En gädda i handen är bättre än tio i vassen.
Amos the eel: Mindre rödögonflickslända Small red-eyed damselfly Erythromma viridulum
Amos the eel: Hedblåvinge Idas blue Plebejus idas
Amos the eel: Flyttblomfluga Marmelade hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus
Amos the eel: Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..... IiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIIIII... Iiiiiii... .... SMACK!
Amos the eel: Common blue damselfly Sjöflickslända Enallagma cyathigerum Sege sjö, Arlöv, Sweden
Amos the eel: Loving six spot burnets
Amos the eel: Six spot burnets tangled up in love
Amos the eel: Speckled bush cricket (leptophyes punctatissima)
Amos the eel: First pictures with my new lens, the olympus 60mm macro...
Amos the eel: First pictures with my new lens, the olympus 60mm macro...
Amos the eel: First pictures with my new lens, the olympus 60mm macro...
Amos the eel: a-7050741
Amos the eel: a-7050740
Amos the eel: a-7050739
Amos the eel: a-7050738