heurtoirfan: Mon visiteur !
heurtoirfan: Sorry, I did not fix my crest this morning !
heurtoirfan: Pour toi Beatrice ! voici un Moqueur roux
heurtoirfan: Carolina wren, (12cm, 4.75 inch)
heurtoirfan: Le gardien de ma maison !
heurtoirfan: My friend the Brown Trasher
heurtoirfan: Un visiteur !
heurtoirfan: My friend the Cardinal is singing good morning ! Enjoy your day.
heurtoirfan: Je vous presente Madame Cardinal , meet Mrs Cardinal
heurtoirfan: Tell me, what is up there ?
heurtoirfan: Carolina chickadee
heurtoirfan: Announcing the end of the bitter cold in Florida...
heurtoirfan: Qui es-tu ? Who are you ?
heurtoirfan: Brown Thrasher in the garden
heurtoirfan: Je te vois... Mais que voit-il ?-- I see you....but what does he see ?
heurtoirfan: A singing hummingbird
heurtoirfan: Mourning dove, another of my daily visitors .
heurtoirfan: Yes, take my picture !
heurtoirfan: IMG_7635,
heurtoirfan: Cardinal on my rosemary bush !
heurtoirfan: Happy Father's Day , Dad ...
heurtoirfan: What is my name???Am I a warbler???Yes I am a warbler
heurtoirfan: The robins are back
heurtoirfan: a Chickadee at the feeder
heurtoirfan: Hummingbird, in my yard
heurtoirfan: Hummingbird at the feeder
heurtoirfan: Woodpecker
heurtoirfan: Cardinal with a Mohawk hairstyle !
heurtoirfan: Visiteur du soir ...