Stitchinscience: Feather drawing
Stitchinscience: Sketchbook boxes
Stitchinscience: Sketchbook Petit Bot Bay
Stitchinscience: Sketchbook Alston Hall
Stitchinscience: Sketchbook scissors and textures
Stitchinscience: R1033446
Stitchinscience: R1033444
Stitchinscience: R1033445
Stitchinscience: R1033447
Stitchinscience: R1033448
Stitchinscience: Uggs Jan 2015
Stitchinscience: Camera corrected for vertical skewing
Stitchinscience: Tnal drawing on a coloured ground
Stitchinscience: Tonal drawing on a coloured ground
Stitchinscience: Pencil drawing plant pot
Stitchinscience: Pencil drawing plant pot and vase
Stitchinscience: Pencil drawing, plant pot, vase and bottle
Stitchinscience: Pencil drawing, plant pot, vase, bottle, jug
Stitchinscience: R1035414
Stitchinscience: R1035415
Stitchinscience: R1035416
Stitchinscience: R1035417