joujouF: Hard sleeper stacks
joujouF: Fancy arch
joujouF: scaring each other
joujouF: the real old city
joujouF: guy making cricket cages
joujouF: Shanhaiguan Drum and Bell Tower
joujouF: breakfast in the courtyard
joujouF: hotel gate
joujouF: Tower and aquaduct
joujouF: scaling the wall
joujouF: dizzying heights
joujouF: gaze
joujouF: Barbarians scaling the wall!
joujouF: P and E on ladder
joujouF: temple gods
joujouF: the beach at Old Dragon Head
joujouF: Old Dragon Head
joujouF: P and E on the rocks
joujouF: catching grasshoppers
joujouF: temple on Jiaoshan
joujouF: blood-letting and chess
joujouF: Shanhaiguan street
joujouF: door guard