Pamzalot: Tyler pays attention. JP does not.
Pamzalot: IMG_1808
Pamzalot: Ed's plotting something
Pamzalot: mimi and jp look preturbed
Pamzalot: ed and angela
Pamzalot: i'm drunk at this point
Pamzalot: the table
Pamzalot: my brunch
Pamzalot: boot
Pamzalot: the end of the boot
Pamzalot: boot beauty
Pamzalot: more boot
Pamzalot: the mastering of the boot
Pamzalot: tyler's checking things out
Pamzalot: this is how i always picture angela
Pamzalot: IMG_1793
Pamzalot: jp looks concerned
Pamzalot: this was not staged but is totally adorable
Pamzalot: how cute are they?
Pamzalot: the boot makes the rounds
Pamzalot: stewart almost looks good in the pic
Pamzalot: licking it, for good measure
Pamzalot: my prom date
Pamzalot: stewart and michelle.
Pamzalot: he's not actually picking his nose
Pamzalot: friends at the table
Pamzalot: i love mimi's face in the photo.
Pamzalot: coachella crew and josh
Pamzalot: now they're paying attention
Pamzalot: josh and molly are so cute