Carl Engstrom:
Island of Stilts
Carl Engstrom:
Black-necked Stilts, Long-billed Dowicther, American Avocet, & Ring-billed Gulls
Carl Engstrom:
Northern Harrier
Carl Engstrom:
Needs to learn how to read...
Carl Engstrom:
Mystery Bird
Carl Engstrom:
Tropical Kingbird
Carl Engstrom:
Tropical Kingbird
Carl Engstrom:
Oregon Junco
Carl Engstrom:
Ivory-billed Woodpecker!
Carl Engstrom:
California Quail
Carl Engstrom:
Mountain Quail
Carl Engstrom:
Blackburnian Warbler
Carl Engstrom:
Blackburian Warbler
Carl Engstrom:
Heermann's Gull vs. Brown Pelican: Part I
Carl Engstrom:
Heermann's Gull vs. Brown Pelican: Part II
Carl Engstrom:
Eared Grebe
Carl Engstrom:
Black Turnstone
Carl Engstrom:
Black Turnstone (Arenaria melanocephala)
Carl Engstrom:
Carl Engstrom:
Surfbird (Aphriza virgata) & Black Turnstone (Arenaria melanocephala)
Carl Engstrom:
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Carl Engstrom:
Unknown teal
Carl Engstrom:
Mystery Flock I
Carl Engstrom:
Mystery Flock II
Carl Engstrom:
Mystery Flock III
Carl Engstrom:
Mystrey Flock IV
Carl Engstrom:
Marsh Wren (hiding)
Carl Engstrom:
Song Sparrow (Northwestern subspecies)
Carl Engstrom:
Gull sp. (unidentified)
Carl Engstrom:
Heermann's Gull (favorite)